And the living's easy,,, at least that's how the song goes.
I should be settling to paint but find it hard to go in my work room and turn off the thoughts of being outside enjoying the warm beautiful weather.
I know full well there are things in that room that have to be done by a certain date. And what am I doing,,, everything but what I'm supposed to be doing...LOL
When I think of it I do my best painting when I'm under the gun. You know the time when you put your mind to the job and get started begrudgingly and the next thing you know you've lost all track of time and one thing leads you down the path to another and before you know it the piece is done.
Now I don't know if anyone else's has this problem but I have a terrible time deciding what design to paint. Especially if it's for someone or even a class, I don't know why that is but it keeps me awake some nights, yeah weird I know.
But when I figure out what I'm going to paint doing it is a breeze, it's like second nature and it's as easy as breathing. I am one of those that only wants to paint what I want to paint not what someone or something dictates. So what's the reason for telling you all this you ask. Because I thought I was the only one that felt this way,,,, wrong there are many painters who have the same feelings. So if your supposed to be painting for those fall craft shows and your doing everything BUT. Don't beat yourself up over it. Lets face it we go through this all the time and everything gets done. It always does .....Right? ....LOL Well almost always. So kick back mix a cold drink and enjoy the lazy day's of summer. After all this summer will never come again.