I'm guilty of neglect, yep that's right I've neglected my blog. Shame on me. But in my own defence I've been busy doing all the spring things that everyone does each year. Spring cleaning and getting the yard in shape here are some of the pretty flowers from my yard this season.
So painting has been on the back burner for a while. Once everything around the house is done I'll be back in my studio painting away getting ready for the shows again this year. In the mean time I keep notes of the things that I plan to paint and always stay alert looking for new things to paint or paint on.
If you have any suggestions feel free to leave a comment here for me. And it would be nice to hear what everyone is painting or plans to paint this summer.
I hope you have your flag out front and center today. In remembrance of all the men and women that have given their lives for the freedom of our country.
God Bless This Country Land of the Free Because of the Brave.