Every year I do two craft shows at two different locations and they happen to fall on the same weekend. You know that saying what doesn't Kill you will make you Stronger well it must be true.
Cause I'm still here after a very long two days.
I've been reading reports from other crafters for the last two months and lets just say most of the reports didn't sound promising. So I went out this year with low expectations. But it turned out not to be so bad after all. The show on Saturday was pretty good. Yesterday's show the sales were down but with this economy it was no surprise. But I'll say I'm grateful for the sales I had and want to thank all those that came out to shop with us. It's so great to get to see everyone from year to year and visit with other crafters that I've known for many years.
My ornaments made a big hit this year. I spend many hours making dozens of each style of ornament so I'll have enough for the two days.
There were so many nice items sold at this years show, my friend Mary makes floral arrangements and wreaths and she did very well this weekend to. There are a few fine artist Mary Lou Troutman and Alan Paganhardt that feature their work at these shows every year and they had a good weekend as well. So if you have a good product that the people want you can still make money out there.
Now that the shows are behind me it's time to get myself ready for Thanksgiving. Yes I have to put the boxes away and prep my house and shop for all the trimmings for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is such a nice day that's if you don't let yourself get caught up in all the black Friday frenzy that makes people crazy every year.
I plan on making a nice dinner to share with friends and relaxing and thanking God for His Grace and Favor in my life. Than because I work retail I'll be going to work nice and early Friday morning, OH Yipeeeee ;)
Remember while your out there shopping for that perfect gift over the weekend be kind to the folks behind the counter, we are not the ones that buy the stock that goes on the shelfs and we have no control over what the stores have or in most cases don't have.
And pay attention to your surroundings and be safe on the roads and in the malls. I hope you find that perfect gift you have in mind for the special person. Happy Shopping.