I've been busy painting away on ornaments and lately I've been doing small signs with cute saying like "Never underestimate the power of a hissie fit" And " I'm sick of reality I want a fairy Godmother" These are some of the things that I'll be selling at the Craft Guild Shop and at my next craft show. I did a show a few weeks ago at the fairgrounds with the Guild, we participated in the Oyster Festival. We had a nice crowd turn out and people were in the mood to shop.
Also I'm selling my ornaments at a local gift shop Lola Belle Co. it's a pretty little shop that's all decorated for Christmas and ready to kick off the holiday season. We hope that everyone will come out to the local shops and support the artisans in your communities.
The Craft Guild shop has a new glass studio now, glass artists Ardith Young has set up a work space and is working at the shop three days a week.
I've been working to put together a new web site for the Guild and there you will be able to meet the artists as I'm going to do a small showcase piece on the site for each member. Check out the new site http://craftguildshop.weebly.com .
I'm also painting ice skates again here's a picture of one I just finished. I decided make them as door hangers this time. In the past I've mounted them on a base to set on a table top but I thought this would be a nice change from the normal Christmas wreath. The Christmas season is fast approaching and I hope your painting for the season. Until next time have a safe and Happy Halloween and keep those paint brushes moving.