So here we are at the beginning of another year. Strange how the years past by so fast now. When we were kids it seemed the year dragged on forever. I think back over the year and all the things that have happened and the changes that have taken place, some not for the better it seems. I wonder what is in store for me, my friends and this country in 2010. Know that I wish you the best of everything and hope that the changes in your lives are only changes for the very best that life has to offer.
Could it get any colder??? Really this bitter cold weather is so uncalled for. I know, I know everyone says we need it cold to kill the germs. Well I would rather it be warmer and I'll use my Lysol to kill the germs...LOL I'm a summer time girl ,anything under 80 degrees is chilly. That's why I have a picture of the beach here today, Aww, warm weather and flip flops and a margarita. Now that's the good life.
Now that winter has set in the next three months are a good time to bring out the paints and find a great pattern to paint that will help pass the time during these long evenings.
Maybe you would like to have something different to hang in your kitchen well paint something yourself to decorate your surroundings. There are still some painting magazines out there with really great patterns from so many different artist I bet your sure to find something you will like. I have a few things left over from last year that I plan to finish, you know how it is your working on a piece and someone comes along needing something right now so you put what your doing on the back burner and plan to get back to it but it doesn't always happen that way. So I'll take care of a few UFO's then move on to other things I have in mind to paint.
Until next time Happy New Year and Happy Painting.
Love the photo? or is it a painting, either way it is gorgeous and sure does inspire the paint brushes to move. Hope you finish your UFO"s as I am sure most of us have sitting around. just happened to find you from a google search, Hope your New Year is painted brightly
this is a wonderful web site. thank you for sharing it with us.
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